Winter Wild Rice with Walnut Burger

Winter Wild Rice with Walnut Burger

With a bite in the air and the holidays on the horizon, warm comforting foods are on the menu. For the first time, we put Walnut Burger and wild rice on the same plate, and to say the least: we were pleased. Fresh yet savory, we’re excited to share with you our newest creation, straight from the Walnut Burger kitchen.

1 cup wild rice
2 cloves garlic (diced)
1/4 red onion (diced)
2 sprigs fresh rosemary (cut into small pieces)
1/4 red pepper (diced)
1/4 orange pepper (diced)
1/4 yellow pepper (diced)
10 stalks of asparagus (sliced into 1 in pieces)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 Walnut Burger patties (crumbled and browned; I used a bit of olive oil in the pan first)

First, rinse 1 cup of wild rice. Place in a pot on the stovetop with 1 3/4 cup water. Bring to a boil; then cover with a lid and reduce to a simmer. Cook the rice for about 40 minutes. In a saucepan, heat 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and add the garlic, onion and rosemary; season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Cook until fragrant and the onions transparent. Then, add the peppers and asparagus, cooking until the asparagus becomes tender to your liking.

Next, fork the rice and add it to the saucepan with the vegetables. Cook for a few more minutes so the flavors can meld. Then, plate the rice mixture and top with the Walnut Burger crumbles. Pairs nicely with a seasonal candle and a glass of red wine.

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